Savannah + Conner’s Engagement Session at the Cibolo Nature Center

Waiting in the warm shade of the beautiful, golden leaves above me was peaceful and exciting all in one. Peaceful because there was a light breeze, birds flying around, leaves dropping and blue skies overtaking the clouds. Exciting because I had already met Savannah + Conner via FaceTime during their wedding consult, and the pure happiness shone through as they lit up talking about each other, how they met and their journey to becoming Fiancé status. They spoke of how adventurous they are, enjoying nature every chance they get! I just know we’d get along right away because I grew up with an adventurous dad who loved to go exploring with me. I felt at home with these two love birds!!!! So, when Savannah + Conner’s Engagement Session at the Cibolo Nature Center was about to start, and I saw them step out of their vehicle, I lit up like a firefly! I saw Savannah in her BEAUTIFUL white dress from Lulus yet all I could see was the glow in her eyes, her smile and the way she exuded all the feelings of happiness that seemed to be bubbling out of her. There’s no mistaking the love these two share.

Please enjoy reading the story of how Savannah and Conner decided to spend the rest of their lives together…

How We Met

“Conner and I met while we were in college at Stephen F. Austin State University. I was sitting at a table by myself in the crowded library, studying for finals. There were no more empty tables, so Conner decided to ask if he could sit at my table. We chatted it up a little bit in between the studying and we ended up exchanging numbers. After that, we texted quite a bit and Conner kept asking me to hang out and since it was close to finals, I kept saying no because I needed to study. We didn’t see each other again before we left for summer, but we still texted all the time. He even picked me up a souvenir on his family vacation. During that summer I moved to an apartment in Nacogdoches, where we went to school, and Conner was finally able to convince me to hang out since he was ‘coming to Nacogdoches anyway to see a friend’. Conner drove all the way from Fort Worth to Nacogdoches and we ended up going on our first date that lasted all day. We went to lunch at an Italian place in town and had such a good time that we went back to my apartment to watch a movie. After watching 2 different movies, I got hungry again for dinner. So we ended up going out to eat again and then we just drove around. It was pretty dark at this time but Conner took me to the sunflower field because he knew I love sunflowers. They were beautiful even just lit up by his headlights. After that, he drove me home, and then I didn’t see him again until he moved back for school.” 

Dating Status

“Once Conner moved back, we were basically inseparable, even though we weren’t officially dating. Then, on the first day of school, Conner left me sunflowers on my door step. That was when I knew that I had found someone pretty special. Fast forward to a full month later, we were still inseparable, and Conner kept telling me that he was ready to make it official, but I kept telling him that I wasn’t ready yet (for who knows why). On September 19th 2016, Conner and I were having dinner and I just looked at him and I knew that I was ready, so we officially started dating.”

The Proposal

“Conner and I had been talking about eventually getting married and I had shown him some of the rings that I liked, but we had decided that we were going to wait until we made it two years (September 2018) for him to propose. So that meant that when we went on a road trip during August 2018, I was not expecting anything. We decided that before school started, that we were going to take a week long hill country road trip through Wimberly, Fredericksburg, San Antonio and Austin. One night in Fredericksburg, Conner said that he wanted us to go out to a nice dinner, so we got all dressed up and went to dinner. It was the best meal of my entire life. After dinner, Conner took me to a random park were we sat and talked next to a creek. I could tell that he seemed kind of nervous, but I had absolutely one idea what was about to happen. He stood up and then made me stand up with him and asked “ Do you love me?” and I said “yes” and then he said “okay, well then show me” so I kissed him. Then he said “Do you want me to show you how much I love you?” and me, expecting nothing but a kiss said “yes” and that is when he got down on one knee with a beautiful ring. Before he could even say “will you marry me?” I was bawling like a baby, so much so that Conner had to grab me and say “ you have to actually say yes!”. After that we called our parents and told all of our friends. I think that our proposal couldn’t have gone more perfect and that trip will forever be our favorite trip.”              

•The Ring: Helzberg
•Hair/Makeup: Lily Flower Hair & Makeup
•The Dresses: Lulus
•Savannah’s Shoes: Kohls
•Conner’s Boots: Lucchese
•Conner’s Shirt: Cavender’s
•Conner’s Pants: Kohl’s